26 February 2022


 "Let's go, let's go, L.E.T.S.G.O"

"Go to dark Gethsemane, ye who feel the tempter's power"

"Njengabhadi libhadula" (Psalm 42 in Xhosa)

Just 3 of the ear worms that began recent morning runs. The old high school cheer finally had to be forcefully pushed away by some other song or idea. The others served me well enough that I was glad to have them come and go throughout the workout. Often I just find myself counting--breaths, strides, whatever.

My friend Neal Patel posted on Instagram some time ago, "If you're walking in the woods with headphones on, you're doing it wrong." [or something close to that] That's show I feel about running and cycling. Your results may vary, but I want to hear my surroundings; on the road for safety, on paths for nature. Not to mention the tumble of music that is  always in my head. (voices? let's not go there)

So, even on a sunny day, my thoughts might be gray and white and cloudy; without borders or boundaries.They may echo and swell, from Tolstoy to Tinkerbell. [thank you Paul Simon]. And maybe that's what I like about long runs, and longer bike rides.

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