11 March 2013


Last Sunday, March 3, marked 5 months of my self-funded sabbatical. I last wrote about it here. Interesting, but not surprising - the two months' lacuna corresponds to the first half of another semester of graduate study. So, anyway, 5 months of Sundays away from the work that I do reasonably well, that has shaped my adult life, and that I hope, Deo volente, to return to in some capacity.

* It's harder to take time for exercise than I thought it would be.
* I spend less time making music here at home than I want to.
* I dream about footnotes and formatting.
* Study and writing really can feel like work.

* Evenings with Karen. Like, every evening with my Karen.
(I should admit, this may be a delight that is not shared. One night during our 2004 sabbatical, Karen said to me,
"you need a hobby."
"I already have a hobby - you!"
"You need another hobby.")
* Sunday mornings in church together. We drive together, sit together, leave together.
* Study. This really is a delight. And it is a privilege. Yes, it can feel like work (see above), but just like the work of my vocation - I may complain about it, but I wouldn't want to do without it.

* So many books, so little time.
* Finding myself so out of my element in a high-achieving graduate program.
* 24-hour days. Seriously, even 28 hours a day would help. 32 would be ideal.

* I really miss making music. I miss conducting a choir. I miss the chancel choir at College Church.
* My opinions about the Pietists keeps changing. I can't either dismiss nor embrace these people, who factor pretty importantly into my thesis. Why do they have to be so . . . human, ergo complicated?
* It's both easier and harder than I thought it would be to work at home. It's amazing how many times the phone rings - and how often the calls are not welcome. (i.e., they are not personal calls; if you are a friend trying to reach us, please do!)

* I am more convinced about my vocation: planning and leading gathered worship.
* I am less convinced about the viability of the noun "evangelical," and while my theological commitments are the same I wonder about carrying that tag except as an adjective.
* Whatever is next, it will be with wonder and joy, and Karen and I will be surprised and delighted by it.

But now it is spring break, and our delight will be enhanced by a trip to San Francisco (courtesy one of our parting gifts from College Church) where we now have two grown children. Adventures await!

1 comment:

kathryn said...

Woohoo!!! Can't wait to see you!